Hey mamas, you are going to want to check out these 18 brilliant newborn baby hacks/tips in order to save you time, money, space, and most importantly sanity.

18 Newborn Baby Hacks/Tips
1. Utilize onesies correctly in the case of an explosion

I learned this one the hard way. Those little flaps at the head opening are not there for looks. They are actually there so the head opening can become large enough to slip down your babies body in the case of an exploded diaper. Nobody wants poop in their hair!
2. Use pacifiers to help with medicine taking

For those babies that don't want to take medicine, use pacifiers. The pacifiers with the hollow opening fits a medicine dropper perfectly.
3. No need for a million hangers

Instead of using a hanger for every single onesie, use the bottom of the hanger to hang several onesies from.
5. Pool noodle

Pool noodles and pillow cases come to the rescue. Wonder what you are going to do when your baby grows out of the baby bath, put a pool noodle inside a pillow case. This allows them to float around and chill, and they will absolutely love it!
6. Lingerie bags

Wash baby socks in lingerie bags in order to fight those mysterious disappearances.
7. Shower power

If your baby is anything like mine, he/she starts screaming the moment you step into the shower. The sound of the hair dryer works as some awesome white noise to soothe the babe while you try to get squeaky clean.
8. White noise

White noise for babies works wonders. I absolutely love the Hatch Rest Night Light/Sound Machine to soothe the baby throughout the night. I have also read that red/orange/yellow lights helps promote sleep. You can also program the Hatch Rest to your phone in order to turn it on/off, turn the noise and brightness up/down, and set programs in order to turn on/off automatically based on your families sleep schedule.
9. Aquaphor

My love for aquaphor continues to grow daily. One time use of Aquaphor on my baby's diaper rash cleared it up instantly.
One of my friends commented on Facebook asking for recommendations for diaper rash and 90% of moms recommended Aquaphor. No need to spend money on other diaper rash creams.
In addition to diaper rash, use it on dry and cracked skin. It provided tremendous relief for the cracked skin around my baby's ankles. Also, I not only use this on my baby, I use it on myself. No, not on my butt or anything like that. I put in on my dry and cracked feet and then put socks on. Oh, how it makes them so much softer!
This jar will also last you forever! I have had mine for three months now and have maybe used about ⅙ of it!
10. Gripe Water and more Gripe Water

I cannot say enough good things about Gripe Water. My baby tends to get hiccups daily. A few drops of this miracle water gets rid of them instantly. In addition to getting rid of hiccups, Gripe Water helps relieve gas, colic, and fussiness.
11. Coconut Oil

Use coconut oil to moisturize cradle cap and use a baby comb to gently remove the flaking skin.
12. Exercise balls

If you got an exercise ball for labor, keep it. Some babies love to be bounced. And let me tell you it is much easier on your body to sit on an exercise ball and bounce, than stand for hours bouncing, trying to soothe your baby.
13. Tummy time on chest

If your baby is one who hates tummy time, lie down and have your baby do tummy time on your chest or belly so they still feel close to you.
14. Nightgowns

Nightgowns are soooo much easier for those night time diaper changes. There is no fighting getting legs in and out of sleepers or mismatching of buttons.
15. Mini spatula

Use a mini spatula to paint on diaper cream in order to avoid getting the goopy stuff all over your hands.
16. Wet wipes

Prevent your baby boy from peeing on you by swiping a wet wipe under his belly button right before a diaper change. This is said to make him pee before you take the diaper off. Save and buy in bulk.
17. Natural oil

Use natural oils such as coconut or olive oil in order to help with those first diaper changes. Let me tell you, this helps cleaning up meconium much easier.
18. Disposable diaper bags

If you don't want to use a diaper genie use disposable diaper bags.
There you have it mamas. I hope this post will make your life as a mama a little bit easier. Let me know in the comments any mom hacks that you couldn't live without.
You can find all of my favorite motherhood/baby/toddler products here!
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