The Sleepy Cub-Certified Sleep Consultant
Just falling back to sleep after a feeding, and you hear another cry? Been up for 2 hours trying to rock your infant back to sleep? Holding your infant throughout the night, just so you can get a couple minutes of shut eye? Because you know the second you lay them down, they are going to wake up. Do you get an uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach, when you hear the first cry of the night? Does jealousy overcome you when you hear other parents talk about their babies sleeping through the night? Is your patience/sanity running thin?
Don't worry parents, you are not alone. I myself have been there as well as millions of other parents. Thankfully, I came across Neha a certified sleep consultant. Who, herself has sleep trained two of her own children, including her daughter, in ONLY 2 days! She has also spent countless hours studying the science behind sleep care and management for children.
So now that you know a little bit about Neha herself, lets get started on the different types of programs Neha offers and how they work!

How It Works
You will start out with a 30-minute FREE consultation, with Neha, in order for her to learn more about your little one’s sleep issues.
Sleep Training
Following the call, Neha will create a personalized sleep plan specifically for you, your child, and your home environment.
Follow Up
Once the process begins, Neha will be there to answer any questions that you may have and re-evaluate your child's sleep habits. She will be there to guide you through the entire process and provide you with the one-on-one time you need!
Better Sleep For All
And last, but not least, your entire household will be on their way to better, healthier sleep!
When it comes to the Sleepy Cubs programs, every plan of theirs includes a discovery call, a detailed and personalized sleep plan, follow up calls, continuous sleep log tracking for plan evaluation, and unlimited support via email and phone.
When picking out a program for sleep training my child, you can guarantee I am going to pick out a plan that provides a discovery call. This is only to make sure that the program seems like a great fit for my child. As well as a plan that provides unlimited support via email or phone. And guess what? Neha offers both of these!
Some additional resources provided with each plan includes: up to date sleep guidelines, sample sleep schedules, resources on how to deal with sleep regressions, deciphering between different types of cries, support for other family members, as well as information on gentle vs intermediate sleep training methods.
Although, this isn't all The Sleepy Cub has to offer! Neha offers packages ranging all the way from newborns to preschoolers! So you can guarantee there will be a package that will fit your little one perfectly. And both of you will be on your way to better sleep!
The Snuggly Bear (Newborn-3 months)
As we all know newborns sleep a lot, although they also wake up A LOT! For us as parents, this may be one of the most exhausting, frustrating, difficult times of our parenting lives. As we are learning to adjust to a newborn waking us up every few hours throughout the night in order to eat. Although, don't let your exhaustion/frustration get you down. Instead give Neha a call, as the newborn stage is one of the best times to sleep train your child.
The Cuddly Bear (3 months-1 year)
Crabby child during the day, because not enough sleep at night? This is due to the simple fact sleep problems effect our children's behavior. Well I might mention, not only their behavior, but our behavior as parents as well. As we may be stressed/worried about sleep issues and how it may affect our child's development/growth.
With all of the new challenges we have to face as parents, sleep should not be one of them. Give Neha a call today.
The Teddy Bear (1 year-3 years)
Does your child have trouble going to sleep at night, wake up during the night, have nighttime terrors, or in general difficulty sleeping? This can be a common occurrence for children 1-3 years of age. This may be due to potty training issues, a new sibling, or the big crib to toddler bed transition.
With the help from Neha, turn those bedtime issues into restful sleep patterns!
The Pooh Bear (5+ years)
Major life changes can lead to bedtime resistance. School starting, as well as extracurricular activities are some big changes that can lead to your child not wanting to go to bed. Give Neha a call and she will be sure to get your little one back to bed.
All of the programs listed above come in 3 different packages. The full package, the half package, or the standard phone package. Check them out -HERE- and find the perfect package for your little one and you!
The Golden Cub
Want it all? This package includes everything that the full package consists of, plus much more! Receive 2 weeks of 24/7 support via phone or email, in addition to four 30 minute video consultations, to be used whenever you prefer! Use them after your 2 weeks of unlimited support or save them up for those common sleep regressions. Four month sleep regression, potty training, bed transitioning, etc.
And I can't forget about the 3 days of video support, plus the 3+ months of ongoing support The Golden Cub package offers!
The Bear Essentials
The Bear Essentials is the perfect package for you: if you are already familiar with the basics of sleep training, are able to stay consistent with the plan put into place without large amounts of help from Neha, aren't nervous about sleep training, and want to take matters into your own hands.
For The Bear Essentials package, you will start out with a 15 minute sleep management program walk through, which will include the instructions on how to get the most out of the package for your infant/child. Specific sleep troubles will also be talked about, so Neha can make a detailed/personalized plan specifically for your child. For appropriate sleep schedule diagnosis, tracking of sleep/feeding/activity will need to be performed. And for the extra assistance, one week of email/text support is offered.
What Others Have To Say
"Neha is absolutely wonderful! My youngest son has been a terrible sleeper from the start, but we hit our breaking point recently when he just completely stopped sleeping. He is the sweetest, happiest two-year-old who just didn’t want to give in to sleep. He wouldn’t fall asleep or stay asleep (except at daycare)! I was skeptical of Neha’s method at first because I felt like I’d already tried virtually everything, but I was pleasantly surprised (and rested) when her method worked instantly, and with minimal tears! She completely cured him of his sleep dependencies, unhealthy sleep boundaries, inabilities to connect sleep cycles and fall asleep independently. He was sleeping through the night in a matter of days! Highly recommend!" -Mary Kate Joyce
"Believe me sleep training is not easy. Especially if you have a stubborn child who would rather sleep standing until 2 am instead of laying down. Neha helped us through this “unlearning” period and my little guy was sleeping through the night in a few days time. Thanks Neha!" -Kelly Burchell
And you can find many more 5 star reviews -HERE.-
Not exactly sure how to handle time changes with an infant/child? Or want to know all about the scientific benefits to sleep training? Or just wanting to make nap transitions easier? Yes, you can bet Neha knows all about those as well.
Check out all her awesome e-books -HERE.- She even offers some for FREE!
Still have some unanswered questions? Check out the FAQ here. Or if you have a question that will benefit other parents, be sure to contact Neha at [email protected] and she will get them answered for you promptly.
Phone: (832) 387-5835
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: @thesleepycub
Contact Neha today for a free consultation! Get yourself set up with a sleep program that is set based on mutually agreed emotional and physical parameters.