Getting Rid Of Cradle Cap
If you are reading this, you most likely have a little one with a nasty case of cradle cap. I get it mom or dad, whoever you are. I have been right there with you. You have also probably tried several different remedies to try and get rid of it, but nothing seems to work. And you are at your wits end. You just want this annoying and unsightly disturbance to go away!
Cradle cap is quite common among babies but it is also harmless, so no need to worry. But I get it, it is kind of nasty looking. Use the remedies listed below and it should be cleared up in no time!

The stinky part is, I don't have before and after photos, as I have finally decided to write this post a year after Oaklynn had cradle cap!
Wash Baby's Hair With Dandruff Shampoo
Use a dandruff shampoo such as Head and Shoulders to wash your baby's hair. After just a couple washes you may be noticing a significant difference, and within a week or two it may be completely cleared up!
Use Cradle Cap Brush
This might just be the only thing you need to treat the most stubborn cases of cradle cap. Because let me tell you, it WORKS that good! In all honesty it is kind of gross looking at the review pictures, because of how well it works. You will be amazed! This brush and a couple washes with dandruff shampoo should have your baby's scalp cleared up!
Cradle Cap Balm
Use this balm to keep the scalp hydrated and moisturized. Especially before and after shampooing. During and after shampooing (recommend cradle cap shampoo or dandruff shampoo), brush through the hair gently with the cradle cap brush linked above. This balm also prevents itch and works to get rid of the cradle cap within a few days. It also helps to relieve other skin irritations such as diaper rash, eczema, and psoriasis.
I have read that cooking oils such as coconut and olive oil have helped other parents get rid of their babies cradle cap. Although, I tried this on Oaklynn's cradle cap and it didn't seem to cut it. It surely made it so her scalp wasn't so dry, although it didn't seem to get rid of the crusty or scaliness. The oils also tended to make Oaklynn's skin irritated and red. I definitely found the best luck with the cradle cap brush (linked above) and cradle cap/dandruff shampoo!
Best Cradle Cap Shampoo's
Hydrocortisone Cream
Other moms have said they have used hydrocortisone 1% on their babies cradle cap and it worked wonders. I did not have to result to this for Oaklynn's cradle cap, so I do not actually have a say on how well it works or not. Moms say they rubbed hyrdocortisone on their babies heads at night, let it sit over night, and would brush out the scales in the morning.
Prevent Scalp Irritation
As much as you may want to pick at the crusty spots on your baby's scalp, refrain from it. As if you do pick at it, it may cause additional irritation or possibly even an infection.
Thankfully, by following a routine you can typically get rid of cradle cap fairly quickly and without any difficulty. If you have tried any of the above remedies, I would love to hear which ones worked the best for you! And if you loved this post, don't forget to share it with your fellow moms/dads! Thank you for stopping by!
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