You would think that by now there would be a diaper out there that would prevent all blowouts from happening, but I certainly have not found that certain one. So moms if you know of a diaper where you have had zero blowouts, hit me up in the comments, because this mom and all other moms would love to know! Although, great news, I do know of the best way to remove baby poop stains that works wonders!

The Best Way To Remove Baby Poop Stains
Yes, I know that the best way to treat stains is to treat them immediately. Run them under hot water, and I prefer to scrub with blue dawn dish soap (also works wonders), rinse and then leave to soak. At times I also spray a little Dreft Stain Remover on the clothing and then wash as soon as possible.
Although, sometimes this is not always an option. My little one thinks its always the best time to explode her pants, when we get into the car. Seriously, for the first 6 months, I don't think there was ever a car trip that didn't end up in an exploded diaper and a change of clothes!
There are also times when the blue dawn dish soap doesn't quite do the trick, or I am not able to treat the stain immediately. This is then when lemon juice and the sun comes in clutch! Who ever would have thought of lemon juice and the sun? Ya I was a skeptic too, and so I tried it. Let me tell you, it is by far the best stain remover method I have found to this day!
These stains that I am about to show you are even set in stains, that were washed and dried. Grab the clothes that need the magical stain removal and squirt some lemon juice on the stain. I added enough in order for the whole spot of the stain to be soaked, with no scrubbing needed. Next, is to set the clothes in the direct sunlight. A couple hours later the clothes were dry and the stains were almost non existent!
Before & After

Crazy, right? The clothes ended up being a little stiff from the lemon juice, so I then just ran them through the wash. As you can see the white onesie still had a little tint of yellow. Although I performed this exact same process once more time and the stain was completely gone! I have tried this process on several other stains, other than poop stains, and it has continued to amaze me!
Seriously parents, if you are looking for a stain remover that works, sunshine and lemon juice is the answer! If you end up trying this stain removal process, I would love to hear how it worked out for you in the comments!
Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you will no longer see any pesky poop stains on those adorable baby clothes!
You can find all of my favorite motherhood/baby/toddler products here!

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This is so great! I don't have as much a problem with baby poop stains anymore, now it's all about the dirt and grass stains from him crawling about! I'm going to give this a shot on those stains as well to see how it works!
I have not tried on grass stains yet, but would love to know how it works out for you!