Yay! Welcome to the third trimester mama! You are just weeks away from meeting your sweet bundle of joy!
Since you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, now is the time to start working on that third trimester to do checklist. This will ensure you are prepared for the arrival of your little one.
If you are feeling unprepared and stressed, don't worry. I have created The Ultimate Third Trimester To Do Checklist in order to keep you right on track. And remember don't be afraid to ask for help. Your friends, family, and significant other would be happy to help.
The Ultimate Third Trimester To Do Checklist
1.Pack Your Hospital Bag
You may think you can wait until the last minute to pack your hospital bag, but DON'T! If you wait, some little babe will most likely think they need to arrive early! And you most likely do not want to be frantically running around the house trying to get your bag packed while in labor.
While your packing yours, you might as well pack your significant others as well. Because there is a pretty high change that his probably won't be packed until the day you head to the hospital!
2. Prepare All Of Your Postpartum Supplies
In order for your recovery to go more smoothly, make sure you stock up on postpartum supplies. Trust me, you will not want to be running around town searching for Dermoplast or Tuck's Pads while your crotch is on fire!
You can find a list of Postpartum Care Essentials here, for both c-section and vaginal births.
3. Install The Car Seat
You may think there is no need to install the car seat weeks before your due date. Although, in my opinion, I would rather have the car seat riding around with me a few extra weeks than to be frantically trying to install it the day I head to the hospital.
4. Arrange Care For Older Siblings
If this is not your first child you will want to make sure you arrange for someone to take care of them while you are delivering your new bundle of joy. Yes, this is most likely a simple task, but it will put your mind at ease knowing you have it covered before the big day arrives.
This also goes right along with finding someone to watch your pets as well.
5. Wash The Baby Clothes
You will want the baby clothes to be fresh and clean for the arrival of your baby.
How I went about washing baby clothes. was before the arrival of Oaklynn, I washed her newborn and 0-3 month clothes. Once Oaklynn was around the age of 2 months I began washing the 3-6 month clothes and so forth. Oaklynn was a small baby, so she stayed in sizes of clothing for much longer than most babies. You will just have to gauge when you want to start washing the next sizes of clothing.
Since baby clothes need to be washed without harsh chemicals, I use Dreft, which is specifically designed for newborn babies. It is also the #1 Pediatrician Recommended Baby Detergent. Dreft is hypoallergenic and gentle for newborn baby's skin as well. Truth be told I love the smell of it so much that I tend to even use it for my own clothes sometimes.
6. Make Freezer Meals Ahead Of Time
After your little one makes their appearance, the last thing you are going to want to do is worry about cooking supper. Make ahead freezer meals is literally one of the smartest decisions I did in order to prep for baby. Just searching the web will bring up hundreds of freezer meal ideas.
7. Know The Route To The Hospital
For me this was not an issue as I live in a town of 2,800. Although for those of you that live in large cities, I would definitely take the time to pick out a main route to the hospital, along with alternative routes in case of heavy traffic, wrecks, road construction, etc.
8. Pick Out Your Baby's Coming Home Outfit
This was probably my favorite third trimester to do item! This is also a great photo opportunity to add to your memories, so make sure you pick out a good one! 🙂
9. Take A Hospital Tour
Take a tour of the hospital, so when that special day arrives you know exactly where to go.
10. Take A Lamaze Class
I was one of those that before becoming pregnant I would often say that I was never going to take a lamaze/birthing class. Although, when the time came to it, I am so glad I did.
We learned all about breastfeeding, breathing techniques, epidurals, contraction timing, and much more! This is where I learned all about counter pressure. Counter pressure is when your partner applies heavy pressure on painful areas of your lower back. Boy, was this a life saver!
11. Organize The Nursery
If you haven't already done so, put together all of the nursery furniture. Although, I would recommend getting this done in the second trimester, when you have more energy. Or better yet, pawn this job off on your significant other. 🙂
Since you are now in your third trimester, make sure the nursery is nice and organized. This is also the time to make sure you are stocked up on diapers, wipes, diaper cream, gripe water, nursing pads, and all of the other necessities. So get out that check list, and make sure you have everything. You will want these items easily accessible as well.
Find 15 Nursery Organization Tips To Save A Ton Of Space here.
12. Stock Up On Diapers and More Diapers
Diapers, something you can never have enough of.
When buying diapers, watch for sales at your local stores. Amazon was my best friend! I mean who doesn't love getting diapers delivered right to your door step?
13. Go On A Date With Your Significant Other
This, this is so so important! Once that baby arrives, you will not have much time for you and your significant other.
So before that baby arrives, go on as many date nights as possible! I have also seen more and more couples taking baby moon trips, which is definitely something I wish we would have done!
14. Baby Proof Your House
You may think this is something that does not need done now. Trust me, they become mobile much faster than you think. And the last thing you will want to do is worry about baby proofing when you are probably already exhausted.
Move those cleaning products and eliminate as many dangerous chemicals as possible.
Go through, look at all the rooms, and make sure every one of them is baby proofed.
Not sure what all you need? Here is a list of 15 Baby Proofing Must Haves.
15. Baby Shower
Baby shower day is one of the funnest third trimester days. This is a time for all of your friends and family to come together and celebrate you and baby!
Baby showers are also the time when you will get most of the clothing, accessories, and supplies you will need for baby. It is important to wait till after the baby shower to buy the items that you did not receive.
Make sure to send out thank you's as soon as possible. As this is something you will not want to do once the baby arrives.
16. Consider Cord Blood Banking
When pregnant with Oaklynn, I never thought of placing this on my third trimester checklist. Now looking back on it, I am mad I didn't. You have the option to either bank or donate.
Cord blood is rich in stem cells that can morph into all sorts of blood cells. These blood cells can then be used to treat diseases that harm the blood and immune system. Including leukemia and certain cancers.
17. Deep Clean The House
Started nesting yet? Now is the time to slowly start deep cleaning the house. As you won't have much time, and I should add energy, to clean once the baby arrives.
So take the time to get some cleaning done. Although, don't do it all by yourself, get some help. Better yet, hire someone to do it.
18. Prepare For Breastfeeding
If you are planning on breastfeeding I recommend beginning to prepare now. Breastfeeding does not always come easy, as it is a learning process for both you and baby, but boy is it worth it.
Here are a few posts to get you started:
- Everything You Need To Know About Breastfeeding
- Common Breastfeeding/Pumping Questions and Answers
- High Milk Supply Must Haves
- 9 Common Breastfeeding Problems and How To Solve Them
- 18 Breastfeeding Must Haves
- Breastfeeding Hacks/Tips For New Moms
- Why I Love The Haakaa Breast Pump (my favorite breastfeeding item)
- How I Pump 150+ Ounces Of Breast Milk Each Month
- Easy and Delicious Lactation Brownies
19. Sleep
Yes, I know you have a to do list a mile long, but sleep is important during the third trimester. Your body is already exhausted, so take all the extra naps you need. Once that baby arrives, sleep will be limited. Although, I always recommend to nap when baby naps!
If sleep is uncomfortable, try out this pregnancy pillow! It is a lifesaver!
20. Do Something For You
Baby will be here soon, so take this time to do something just for you. Go get that massage, pedicure, your hair done, or even attend yoga classes. Remember self-care mama.
21. Finalize Your Birth Plan
Have you finalized your birth plan? If not, this is a third trimester must.
Birth plans are important as this lets those who are delivering your baby what you want/don't want. Who do you want in the delivery room with you? Is your delivery planned as a vaginal, c-section, VBAC? During labor would you like music playing, lights dimmed, to wear your own clothes, etc.? What do you plan to do for pain management? Do you want skin-to-skin contact immediately? Do you plan to breastfeed or formula feed? When do you prefer the first bath to be given?
You can easily find several birth plan templates by searching google.
22. Take Maternity Photos
You are most likely tired of being pregnant, but trust me, someday you will look back at it and miss it. So for now, enjoy it, and take those pregnancy/maternity photos.
I think I have maybe two pregnancy photos of Oaklynn. I am now kicking myself for not taking more, including maternity photos and growth pictures. So go ahead and take them, you will be glad you did.
There you have it! The Ultimate Third Trimester To Do Checklist! I hope you enjoyed!
If you think I forget to add a to do item to this check list, don't be afraid to let me know in the comments!
And don't forget to pin for later and share with all your fellow mamas!
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